January South County Tiger Bay Monthly Luncheon


South County Tiger Bay 

Program: School Safety – Keeping Our Kids Safe

Founded in 2007

South County Tiger Bay

Friday, January 25, 2019
Registration: 11:30am
Lunch/program: 12noon-1:30pm

Venetian Golf & River Club
105 Pesaro Dr, Nokomis, FL 34275
(For directions only contact: 941.483.4811)

Program: School Safety
Keeping Our Kids Safe

Panel members:

Tim Enos
Chief, Sarasota County Schools Police Dept.

Pat Gardner
President, Sarasota Classified Teachers Association

Jane Goodwin,
Chair, Sarasota County School Board

January 2019
Register below today, this program will sell out fast.

Your 2019 Membership is now due

Please add your membership dues for the year to your check for our program. 
$75 Individual 
$100 Couples (two members)
$200 Corporate-4 (four members)
$300 Corporate-8 (eight members)

Lunch $25 for Members-$30 Guests
$30 for members without reservations

Please add your 2019 Membership category amount to this month’s lunch payment OR mail your 2019 Membership to:

South County Tiger Bay
P.O. Box. 1000
Venice, Florida 34284

*Checks are made payable to South County Tiger Bay.

**In the future we will have the capability to accept payments online through PayPal, but we are debuting a new website soon, so for this meeting please plan to bring a check or cash. 


South County Tiger Bay wants to give a warm ‘Thanks’ to all our members and their continued support. We are proud and cannot wait to share with you all our programs lined up for this year. 

Copyright © 2019 South County Tiger Bay

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